Posts Tagged ‘color’

Mapping Flickr colors again. Better late than never.

About two years ago I picked up small side project that involved messing with geotagged Flickr photos to generate maps of the photographed colors of a landscape, and I liked the idea so much that I vowed to keep it up. So I did. With a short two year break in the middle. I came […]

Flickr as a paintbrush

What color is Harvard? Don’t say something like “white,” smartass. But don’t say “crimson” just yet, either. This being a blog about maps, I of course mean Harvard not as a school but as a geographic entity. What color is the landscape, physical and cultural? When people look around at whatever interests them, what colors […]

What should ColorBrewer look like in 2008?

Attention cartographers: Cindy Brewer has allowed us at Axis Maps the privilege of making some updates to the fantastic ColorBrewer tool. We’d like suggestions from the community on what to change, what to keep the same, etc. Drop us a line over here: ColorBrewer 2.0