Archive for May 2010

Norumbega, New England’s lost city of riches and Vikings

“Here, at modern Watertown, was the ancient CITY OF NORUMBEGA.” While preparing data for another spare time local interest map (forthcoming), I ran across a tiny bit of information (“Horsford’s Norse exploration theory”) that ended up captivating me for the weekend. It is the story of Norumbega, at various points a regional name applied to […]

Paint by numbers

Here’s something from the “Mildly Interesting” files. Address numbering schemes can vary a lot from place to place in the United States. In some cities the system is straightforward enough that by knowing a street number you can know approximately, if not exactly, the location of that address. In some other places… well, luckily addresses […]

The island of refreshment

In 2008 I moved from one notoriously left-wing town, Madison, Wisconsin, to another, Cambridge, Massachusetts. In reference to its politics, the former is sometimes called “76(ish) square miles surrounded by reality” and the latter is nicknamed the “People’s Republic of Cambridge.” But now Cambridge is more like “7 square miles surrounded by undrinkable water.” Until […]