Archive for July 2009

The music of geography: Ohio is a piano

Last month, as I was driving through Ohio to collect my final three counties in the state, it dawned on me: There are 88 counties in this state. There are 88 keys on a piano. I don’t know anything about music, but holy crap, I have to make a map based on this coincidence. And […]

Shapefile code now loads DBF too

For the benefit of anyone following along via RSS, just a quick note to say that I have updated the AS3 shapefile loading and drawing helper classes from last week to include basic loading of attributes from a DBF file, again using Edwin van Rijkom’s libraries. I hope it helps a bit more for anyone […]

Simple shapefile drawing in ActionScript 3

Recently I’ve heard two friends independently inquire about some sort of basic guide for loading and drawing a shapefile in Flash. The only real tutorial/example I can recall is here, dealing with Google Maps. But these guys are looking for something more bare-bones. Being a regular user of Edwin van Rijkom‘s invaluable code libraries for […]

Blog-on-blog action: Cartastrophe

Here is a shout-out to a new blog by Daniel Huffman, an all-star cartographer in the generation succeeding mine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Cartography Lab. As I was tearing a path of destruction through Madison last week, Daniel introduced me to his blog Cartastrophe, in which he is doing something that I always wanted […]